Setting Service Prices for Employees

Altegio now offers the ability to set prices for services based on employees. With this new feature, you can set different individual prices for different employees for the same service. This helps reduce the number of services and eliminates the need to create separate identical services for specialists with different prices.

You can set different prices for a service for employees in two ways: through service settings and employee settings. Learn more about both methods in this article.

Setting Individual Prices through Service Settings

This method is more convenient if you need to edit prices for multiple employees at once.

1. Go to Settings > Main Settings > Services.

2. Expand the desired category and click on the service name or the edit button (pencil icon) next to the service.

3. The "Main settings" tab will open.

In the "Base price" field, it's best to enter the price for the service that is most commonly used by different employees. This price will be applied to all employees assigned to the service who do not have individual prices set. You can also set a base price range; more details on this can be found later in this article under the "Setting Prices in a Range" section.

When you change the price in the "Base price" field, it will be updated for all employees who do not have individual prices (different from the base price) set in the "Price" field. When a new employee is assigned to the service, the default price will also be automatically assigned to them.

The base price helps quickly update service prices for employees if necessary.

For example, if the price for the "Haircut" service increases by 20$. Initially, the service cost 120$ for four specialists and 140$ for a top specialist. In the service settings, the following configurations are already set: the "Base price" field is filled with 120, the "Price" field for the four specialists is empty, and the "Price" field for the top specialist is filled with 140$. In this case, to increase the price, you just need to update the "Base price" to 140$, and the price will be automatically updated for the four specialists, while for the top specialist with an individual price, you'll need to manually change it in the "Price" field to 160$.

Important: If you only need to set different prices for employees and not in a range, there’s no need to specify the base price in a range.

4. Scroll down to the "Employees providing service" section.

If employees have not yet been assigned to the service, add them using the "Add staff" button.

5. In the "Price" column, specify the individual price for the service for each employee based on their pricing.

6. Click the "Save" button.

After saving the settings, the individual prices set will be displayed in the booking journal and in the online booking widget. In this case, the service price from the "Price" field will be used, not the base price.

Important: If you do not want to set different prices for employees, you do not need to make changes in the "Price" field; the base service price will be used there.

If you have previously set different prices for employees but want to revert to the previous display and make a unified price for all employees, delete the previously entered prices from the "Price" field for all employees assigned to the service. After deleting, the price from the "Base price" field will be used, and the service price will be managed from this field. If an individual price (different from the base service price) is set in the "Price" field, it will not be updated when the "Base price" field in the service settings is changed. If individual service prices are set for employees, the services will be duplicated when exported to Excel. This is necessary to ensure that prices are loaded correctly when re-uploading services.

Setting Prices in a Range

If a base price range is specified in the service settings, you can also set a price range for employees. This setting is useful if the service price for the same employee can vary, for example, depending on the complexity of the work.

As with a price without a range, you need to specify the price that is most commonly used in the "Base price" field. This price will be automatically applied when assigning an employee to the service.

If you need to specify a flat amount for employees, enter the same price in both fields of the range.

Setting Individual Prices through Employee Settings

This method is more convenient if you need to edit prices for different services for a specific employee.

Important: At this moment, this method is only available for individual services. To set prices for employees for group services, go to Settings > Services.

1.Go to Settings > Main settings > Staff.

2.Click on the employee's name or on the text/number in the "Provides services" column.

3. On the "Services" tab, expand the necessary service category and click on the service name.

4. In the "Employee price" field, enter the desired price for the service.

If a default price range is specified in the service settings, the price will also be displayed as a range in the employee settings. In this case, if you need to specify a flat amount, enter the same price in the "from" and "to" fields.

5. Click the "Save" button.

Displaying Employee Prices in the Appointment Calendar

If different prices are set for employees for the same service, the price will also differ in the appointment calendar.

When transferring an appointment from one employee to another with a different service price, a warning will appear indicating that the service price is different. To complete the transfer, you will need to confirm the change.

Important: When transferring a service to an employee with a different price, the price will not change automatically! In this case, you must manually adjust the payment amount if a different price is required.
