Business information - Contact details

After setting up general information you can move on to adding contact details of your company.

Why fill out this section?

Contact details are displayed in the online booking widget on the About page and in the list of locations.


Go to the main menu and select Settings > My location > Business Information section.

1. Fill out all necessary fields in the Contact Details tab.

2. Enter your company's address and update the map to automatically determine your location. You can also indicate it manually by moving the pin on the map.

3. Indicate your Postcode (optional).

4. Add your phone number with the country and city/operator code. You can add more than one number using the + button.

5. Specify your website. If you don't have a website, you can add links to your social media pages.

6. Indicate your work schedule, such as "Mon.-Fri.: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m." This setting reflects your business hours and does not reflect the schedule of your staff, which will be set separately.

7. Click the Save button once you're done.

You can add a description of your company after these settings.
