To establish a work schedule for your employees, you'll need to complete the Information, Additional Information, and Settings sections and assign services. Once these steps are done, you can proceed to schedule your employees.
There are different ways to set schedules for your staff, including:
1. Through the Settings > Main Settings > Work Schedule section.
2. Through the Settings > Main settings > Staff section.
3. Via the Appointment Calendar.
In this article, we'll focus on the first option since it's more convenient and provides more options for setting up schedules for staff members. You can start by specifying the Start repeat and End date for the period you want to schedule, then click on the Show button to proceed.
To access the work schedule section, navigate to Settings > Main settings > Work Schedule.
Once there, you'll see the schedule for all employees during the selected period. If needed, you can filter the list of employees by their position to narrow down the view.
To set the schedule, you have two options: You can fill in the schedule for a specific day, or you can use a template to fill in the schedule for a range of days.
Editing a schedule for a specific day
1. Click on the "Fill by day" button.
2. Select the day you want to set the schedule for in the employee's schedule.
3. Choose the type for this day: Workday or Day off.
4. Indicate the schedule for the employee by creating several intervals that exclude any breaks your employee will have. Use the "Add a row" button to add work periods only. To delete a row, click the minus button on the right.
5. Once the intervals are set, click the "Save" button in the pop-up to save the changes.
Set work schedule according to the template
To set up the schedule using a template, follow these steps:
1. Click on the "Fill by template" button, then click the link on the right under the "Template" section.
2. In the pop-up, set the type of day for the template: Workday or Day off.
3. Indicate the schedule for the template by creating several intervals that exclude any breaks your employee will have. Use the "Add a row" button to add work periods only. To delete a row, click the minus button on the right.
4. Once the intervals are set, click the "Save" button to save the changes.
5. Click on the days you want to set the schedule according to the template you just configured.
The days for which you changed the schedule will be indicated with blue circular arrows. To save the changes, click on the "Save" button in the upper right corner. To cancel the changes, click on the circular arrow icon on a specific day.