Inventory access rights

The Inventory section contains information on products and consumables, sales and balances of these products, it also allows you to view and manage the movement of products: make purchases, sales, write-offs, transfers between storages

Select the inventory you want to give access to. For example, if you want this employee to see information only about consumables, you can give them access to the inventory with consumables only.

Here you can limit access to the report on the movement of products to specific transactions (arrival, sale, provision of services or write-offs), as well as at the management level: moving products between inventories, creating and editing transactions, deleting transactions, or viewing reports in the web interface only or as Excel spreadsheets.

For instance, if a staff member is using their own materials while working at the company and keeping records of their purchases, they might need to create and edit transactions for the arrival and write-off of products. You can grant them access to the stock balance report, so they can keep track of the materials they need and purchase them on time. Additionally, if they need to perform custom sortings in these reports, you can allow them to download the data as an Excel file.
