How to connect integration?
You do not need to integrate a barcode scanner with Altegio, as it functions as a standard input device, similar to a keyboard or mouse. When using a barcode scanner, it simply scans the barcode and inputs the corresponding value into the active field. To connect the barcode scanner to your system, you'll need to connect it to a computer or laptop, allowing you to quickly and efficiently scan barcodes.
When using a barcode scanner with Altegio, follow these general operation principles:
1. Click on the field where you want to enter a barcode or add a product by scanning its barcode.
2. Point the scanner at the barcode of the product you wish to scan.
3. Press the button on the scanner to scan the barcode.
4. Once scanned, the barcode number will appear in the designated field. This approach streamlines the process of adding products to your inventory and reduces the risk of errors associated with manual data entry.
What a barcode scanner is used in Altegio for?
Barcode scanner helps you enter the barcode into the product card
1. In the Inventory > Products section open the product card or open the product creation form.
2. Click the Barcode field.
3. Point the scanner at the barcode of the product.
4. Press the button on the barcode scanner to scan the barcode.
5. The barcode number appears in the Barcode field. The product needs to be saved.
Barcode scanner helps you sell the product quickly
1. Open an appointment and go to the Status tab or open the creation form of inventory operation.
2. Click the field with the product.
3. Point the scanner at the barcode of the product.
4. Press the button on the barcode scanner to scan the barcode.
5. The barcode number appears in the product field.
6. The required product appears in the drop-down list where you can select it.
Barcode scanner helps you keep records of gift cards and memberships
If you have cards of memberships or gift cards with different barcodes on each card, then you can use the barcode scanner to speed up the process of selling a gift card/membership as well as the process of paying with a gift card/membership.
1. You can sell a gift card or a membership the following way:
1.1. Open an appointment and go to the Status tab or open the creation form of inventory operation.
1.2. Select the required type of gift card or membership.
1.3. Click the Code field.
1.4. Point the scanner at the barcode of the gift card or membership.
1.5. Press the button on the barcode scanner to scan the barcode. The barcode number appears in the Code field. Thus, you have assigned a barcode to the sold gift card or membership.
2. You can make a payment the following way:
2.1. Open an appointment and go to the Checkout tab.
2.2. In the Quick Payment tab, in the Loyalty > Search by code and other payment methods field section click Enter gift card code or Enter your membership code.
2.3. Point the scanner at the barcode of the gift card or membership.
2.4. Press the button on the barcode scanner to scan the barcode. The barcode number appears in the field, afterwards you need to click the magnifying glass icon to find the gift card or membership.
Barcode scanner helps you perform stock-taking
1. First prepare the file for stock-tacking.
1.1. Create a new text file on your computer. It must have a txt extension.
1.2. Click in the open file.
1.3. Scan all barcodes for all products in the storage. They fall into the file. There will be as many identical barcodes in the file as there were samples of the product.
1.4. Save the file with a clear name.
2. Upload the file to the stock-taking.
2.1. Go to the Inventory – Stock-taking section in Altegio.
2.2. Click Create an inventory check button.
2.3. Fill in all the fields with the data you need: Date and time, Inventory, Product category, Comment.
2.4. Check the Upload a file with barcodes of goods box.
2.5. Select the value for The actual balance of products that are not in the file: Set to zero or Equal to calculated balance.
2.6. Drag the file you created or upload it manually.
2.7. Click the Start inventory audit button. There will be as many units for sale in the actual balance of the product with such barcodes as there were barcodes in the file.