Appointment details tab features

The Appointment details tab allows you to view and modify all essential information related to a specific booking, including date, time, services, assigned staff, and more. In this tab, you can:

1. Update client details: name, phone number, and email.

2. Modify services:

• Change a service by clicking the downward arrow next to the service name.

• Add services with the "Add a service" or "Select from the list" buttons.

• Remove services by clicking the bin icon.

3. Edit booking comments, color, and category.

4. Adjust additional settings: date, time, staff member, resource, and duration.

5. Input information into extra fields.

6. Process payment for appointments with "Arrived" and "Confirmed" status.

The "Save and proceed to checkout" button directs you to the Checkout tab, where you can choose a cash register for payment. Alternatively, use the "Save and pay in cash" or "Save and pay by credit card" buttons for one-click payments. The total amount will be deposited into the default cash register for the selected payment method. To set the default cash register, navigate to Finance → Settings → Checkout.


     7. Change the status of the booking.

Don’t forget to click the Save button to save the changes.
