Go to the Payroll - Calculation rule section. Click the Add a rule button and in the new window edit all the information, click the Save button.
1. Indicate the Name, for instance, Calculation rule for administrator.
2. Indicate Services for provision of which either a percent or a fixed sum will be awarded. The calculation is based on the cost of the product in the visit and in the inventory operation.The Confirm the value for categories or separate services setting will allow you to set a different percent (or fixed sum) for a specific category or service.
To add a separate category or service to the calculation rule, be sure to click the blue plus button, to delete it, click the trash button.
3. Indicate the reward for group services:
- minimum reward (no clients participated in the event);
- reward with the participation of at least one customer (the price of the service is taken from the service settings not including discounts and changes of price made by administrator);
- extra reward for each customer: to calculate this reward indicate a specific number in the If the number of incoming clients exceeds field. If this number is exceeded a reward will be additionally paid for each client (the price of the service is taken from the card of the visit).
Fixed reward for created appointment (in currency)
Reward for each service in the created appointment (in currency or percentage)
The "Specify value for categories or individual services" tab allows you to set a different percentage (or amount) for a specific category or service.
• Reward for each service in a closed online booking (in currency or percentage)
The "Specify value for categories or individual services" tab allows you to set a different percentage (or amount) for a specific category or service.
For instance, there is 5 in the If the number of incoming clients exceeds field. Seven clients visited the event. Then the reward will be separately calculated both for 6th and 7th client.
Examples of payroll calculation for group services:
1. Fixed sum or percent as a reward, calculated from the price of service in the service card. Use the Reward with the participation of at least one customer parameter.
1.1. In this case:
- employee will receive 0 reward for 0 people
- for 1 person or more they will receive 20 $
1.2. In this case:
- employee will receive 0 reward for 0 people
- for 1 person or more they will receive a 50% reward of the price of the service in the service card. Not 50% for each person but the event itself.
2. Reward is calculated from the price of the service in the visit. Check the Extra reward for each customer setting and in the If the number of incoming clients exceeded indicate 0. Specific percent can be indicated the same way it’s indicated for individual ones: both in the Services field and in the Confirm the value for categories or separate services section.
In that case:
- employee will receive 0 reward for 0 people
- for each participant they will receive 60% of the price of the service in the visit
3. Rewarding the employee even if there were no participants. Use the Minimum reward (no clients participated) parameter.
3.1. In this case:
- employee will receive 0 reward for 0 people
- for each participant they will receive 60% of the price of the service in the visit
3.2. In this case:
- employee will receive a 5% reward of the price of the service in the service card for 0 people
- for each participant they will receive 60% of the price of the service in the visit
4. Fixed sum for the event as well as reward for each client if the number of clients exceeds a specific amount. Use the following settings:
- Reward with the participation of at least one customer parameter
- check the Extra reward for each customer setting
- add a number in the If the number of incoming clients exceeds field
In this case:
- employee will receive 0 reward for 0 people
- for 1 to 10 participants they will receive 60% of the price of the service in the service card
- for 11 and more participants they will receive 15% of the price of the service in the visit for each customer
Recalculation of the price in the membership will be only taken into account if the sum was calculated from the price in the visit. If the sum was calculated from the price in the service card the recalculation wouldn’t be taken into account.
Indicate Products for sale of which either a percent or a fixed sum will be rewarded to the employee. The calculation will be performed based on the data in the visit and not deposits in the cash register. The Confirm the value for categories or separate products setting allows you to set a different percent for a specific category or product.
In the Promotions section you can configure settings for different promotions. You can take into account discounts for specific promotions as well as discounts partially.
5.1. Select a promotion:
- this setting applies both for promotions with fixed and cumulative discounts.
5.2. Indicate whether this promotion will be Considered or Not considered in the payroll.
5.3. Indicate which part of the sum, paid for with the chain loyalty will be considered (percents).
5.4. To add a promotion to the calculation don’t forget to click the plus button , to delete it click the trash bin button
How the reward for the service paid for with loyalty will be calculated
If you check the box next to the Include client's discount for promotions: (SC - LP) * SP + LP * PP, if the box isn’t checked then SC * SP + LP * PP
- SC - service cost,
- LP - sum paid for with loyalty,
- SP - service percent in the calculation rule,
- PP - promotions percent in the calculation rule.
How the reward for the product paid for with loyalty will be calculated
If you check the box next to the Include client's discount for promotions: (PC - LP) * SP + LP * PP, if the box isn’t checked then PC * SP + LP * PP
- PC - product cost,
- LP - sum paid for with loyalty,
- SP - service percent in the calculation rule,
- PP - promotions percent in the calculation rule.
General principle for the calculation
Cost of the service (or product) with the loyalty sum deducted is multiplied by percent of the service (or product). The loyalty sum is multiplied by percent of the promotion. Add up both sums. This sum is rewarded to the employee for services (or products).
How the reward will be calculated if the Include client's discount for promotions is checked:
- Service cost (SC) = 1 600.
- Rule (SP): 50% of the price of services.
- Setting Include client's discount for promotions is checked.
- Sum paid for with chain loyalty (Fixed discount set as promotion type). (LP) = 1 600 (SC) * 5% (Fixed discount) = 80.
- Promotions percentage in the calculation rule (PP) = 22%
It will be calculated by the following formula (SC - LP) * SP + LP * PP.
(1 600 - 80) * 50% + 80 * 22% = 1520 * 50% + 80 * 22% = 760 + 17,6 = 777,6
How the reward will be calculated if the Include client's discount for promotions is not checked:
- Service cost (SC) = 1 600.
- Rule (SP): 50% of the price of service.
- Setting Include client's discount for promotions is checked.
- Sum paid for with chain loyalty (Fixed discount set as promotion type). (LP) = 1 600 (SC) * 5% (Fixed discount) = 80.
- Promotions percentage in the calculation rule (PP) = 22%
It will be calculated by the following formula SC * SP + LP * PP.
1 600 * 50% + 80 * 22% = 800 + 17.6 = 817.6.
6. Indicate the Fixed salary amount. It can be set per hour, day and month.
For Fixed salary to be rewarded per month 3 terms must be met:
- Fixed salary for the month is always rewarded on the first day of the month that follows after the month that salary should be paid for. For your employee to receive Fixed salary for January the calculation period must include the 1st of February.
- At least 1 work hour/day must be included in the employee’s schedule in the month for which Fixed salary must be paid. For you to reward the employee for January they need to have work hours in January.
- Calculation chart that includes calculation rule must be active for the month for which reward must be paid. For instance, to calculate the Fixed salary for January the calculation chart must be active for the employee from January 1st.
If you select the calculation period from 1st to 30th of September then, if all other conditions are met, Fixed salary will be rewarded for August, but Fixed salary for September will not be rewarded. However, if you select calculation period from 2nd of September to 1st of October Fixed salary for August will not be rewarded.
7. Indicate the Guaranteed minimum amount that the employee receives even if the sum of Fixed salary and percent is lower than the minimum.
For Guaranteed minimum amount per month the whole month for which the salary is calculated must be included into the period of calculation.
8. Indicate the amount of Extra reward - percent of the daily sales or profit of the location for products and/or services. It’s often used in calculation rules for administrators.
Sales - sum of services provided and products sold.
Profit - difference between sales and prime cost of services and products.
9. Check the boxes next to settings that need to be included in the calculation:
- Include preset discount for client
- Include client's discount for promotions
- To consider the payment bonuses
- To consider the payment certificate
- To consider the payment subscription
- Include the prime cost of the services in the calculation
- Include the prime cost of the products in the calculation
- Exclude client's discount when subtracting the cost price