Financial operations report

What is it and what is it for?

The Financial operations report is a versatile tool that offers a comprehensive overview of all your financial transactions. This report can be tailored to meet your specific informational needs, allowing you to focus on the indicators that matter most to you.

Key features of the Financial operations report include:

  • Period of the operations
  • Type of payment
  • Supplier
  • Cash register
  • Payment item
  • Employee
  • Cancellation status
  • Client
  • Document
  • Product
  • Service

How to work with the report?

To generate the report, navigate to the Finance - Financial transactions section in your Altegio account.

Next, apply filters to the list based on the indicators you require for your report. Specify the desired criteria and click the "Show" button.

The Financial operations report is a powerful tool that enables you to effortlessly monitor and analyze all financial transactions within your business. This comprehensive report offers valuable insights into settlements with suppliers and expenditures on specific items, giving you a clear overview of your financial activities.

The Date and Visit columns are more than just data points. They are clickable links that provide you with convenient access to detailed information. Simply click on the date link to delve into the specifics of the selected financial transaction. And if you click on the Visit link, you'll be seamlessly redirected to the corresponding visit window.

Financial operations can be downloaded only via email using the Excel operationsDownload as Excel button. User receives an email with a link to download the file. Afterwards in Altegio, in the Overview > Data log section a log of downloads appears with information on who, when and what data requested. The download file can also be received by the means of the download log if necessary rights are checked.
