Daily financial data

You can view financial data for the day in both the Appointment Calendar and Finance section of Altegio. This information will give you an overview of your daily income and expenses, as well as any financial transactions that have taken place.

Financial data in the Appointment calendar

Information is shown in real time in a separate menu in the Appointment Calendar.

Information on all income into cash registers for a selected day is shown here:

• The amount of money (from cash and card payments) deposited into cash registers for payments related to products and services (Cash receipts, In cash, and Non-cash items)

• The cost of services with the Arrived status and products sold, including any discounts (Sum of services paid item)

• The cost of services in appointments with any status, including discounts (Sum of services booked item)

• The portion of the cost paid for using loyalty cards, bonuses, gift cards, and memberships (Loyalty item)

• The cost of products sold including any discounts (Products sold item)

You can also sell products using this menu without tying the sale to the visit. Click the Sell Products button and Altegio will open the transaction page in the Inventory - Inventory operations section (read more here).

Financial information in the Finance section

You can view details on income for the day in the Finance ReportsDaily report section. Read more in this article.
