Altegio comes with two default cash registers: the Main cash register and the Card payment account. However, you can add, configure, and delete additional cash registers to fit the needs of your business.
New cash register
1. Go to the Finance – Accounts and cash registers section.
2. Click on the "Add a cash register" button.
3. In the pop-up window, enter the Name, select the Type of cash register (for cash or credit card payments), enter the Start-up balance, and add a Comment (e.g., location of the cash register).
4. Click the Save button to create the new cash register.
1. Open the Finance – Accounts and cash registers section.
2. Select the cash register you want to edit.
3. Click on the cash register name to open its details.
4. In the new window, you can change the name of the cash register, its type, and comment.
5. Click the Save button to save the changes.
6. If you want to delete the cash register, click the Delete button.