Acquiring fee

What it is and what it is for

To ensure accurate accounting of your expenses, it's important to account for the bank's commission charged for each card payment. This commission is a fixed percentage that is deducted from your company's revenue. You can set up automatic deduction of the commission after receiving the card payment if you wish to have a more detailed record of your expenses.

Acquiring fee is a system expense item (read more about payment items in the article). The expenses under the Acquiring fee item will be displayed in the Report for the period and in the P&L report.

After a successful transaction, it will appear in the list of financial transactions. If there was a commission charged by the bank for the card payment, it will also be recorded in a separate transaction. By clicking on the link provided in the financial transaction for the commission, you can navigate to the main transaction for the service or purchase, and vice versa.

To view the operation of debiting the acquiring fee, configure the user access rights to transaction types in the Finance section. Grant the user access rights to all types of transactions, or, if only to the selected ones, then check the Acquiring fee item.


1. Go to the Finance Accounts and cash registers section and select a card payment account (see the instructions for creating and configuring a cash register in the article).

2. To enable commission accounting, check the Automatically write off commission in favor of the acquiring bank box in the settings. 

3. Specify the Commission percentage (2 decimal places are supported).

4. If necessary, select a supplier.

5. Click the Save button.


1. When changing the amount of the original transaction, the amount in the transaction with the commission automatically changes.

2. When changing the commission percentage in the card payment account settings, the new commission is applied only to new transactions.

3. When changing the cash register in the original financial transaction:

  • if you change the cash register with a commission to a cash register without a commission, the commission write-off operation is deleted;
  • if you change one cash register with a commission to another cash register with a commission, the cash register changes in the commission write-off operation;
  • if you change one cash register without commission to another cash register without commission and, no changes occur;
  • if you change a cash register without a commission to a cash register with a commission, a commission write-off operation is created according to the original operation.

4. When changing the date/time of the original transaction, the date of the related commission write-off transaction changes.

5. When you change the payment item from earnings to expenditure in the original transaction, the corresponding commission write-off operation will be deleted.
