Setting the integration with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free platform for collecting data from websites and applications and creating reports with information useful for your business. Before setting up the integration, it is necessary to register an account with the Google Analytics service.


• To connect/disconnect the integration, the following user access rights are required:

• "Settings" section: "Manage users" — "Manage user rights" (any of the rights, both "Manage all rights" and within "Manage all rights within your rights set").

• "Online booking" section (access to the section is required, activation of personal data processing is optional).

• Only one data stream can be connected to a single online booking link. To connect multiple streams, additional forms must be created.

• Starting from July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics version resources have been migrated to Google Analytics 4 version — learn more.

Google Analytics 4 version 

1. In your Google Analytics account go to the appropriate property or application.

2. Go to the Administrator > Data streams section

3. If the data stream for the required online booking form has not been created earlier, it is necessary to create a data stream. In order to do this click Web or Add stream button, then go to Web

4. In the Web stream settings window enter the URL of the online booking widget and the name of the stream. Click the Create stream button.

5. Copy the measurement ID from the Web stream details window. The identifier has the format G-R17JQQY1XC.

Please note that for the Google Analytics 4 version the identifier has the prefix G.

How to connect the integration

In Altegio, go to the Integrations > Analytics section and select the "Google Analytics" application. On the page that opens, click the "Connect" button.

Add the previously copied Google Analytics identifier into the "Data stream ID" field in the format G-R17JQQY1XC.

Below, select from the list the form for online booking to which you want to connect Google Analytics.

Click the Connect button to enable the integration.

Checking the integration

Google Analytics displays conversion after a time delay. Therefore, for a quick check of whether the forwarding is set up correctly, you can use the "Realtime" report section. Perform a target action in the online booking form on the website or on social networks and observe whether the event or conversion appears in the report.

To create goals for events whose tracking will be recorded, use the list of events supported by the new online booking widget.

Еditing or deleting a data stream

• Go to the Integrations > Analytics section, select the "Google Analytics" application, and open the "Settings" tab.

To add a new identifier, click the "Add a stream" button, enter the new data stream identifier, and select the form you want to connect to Google Analytics.

To edit a previously added identifier, click on the pencil icon next to the stream, change the information, and click "Save".

To delete a previously added identifier, click on the trash can icon next to the stream. Click "Delete stream"; the information will be removed from Altegio but will remain in Google Analytics.

