Online booking with Altegio on 2GIS maps.

What is this and what is it for?

On 2GIS maps, there is an option to book appointments online for beauty salons, barbershops, nail studios, and other service companies.

Customers can easily book services with this widget, without having to go to a website, another app, or make a phone call.

You can track when a booking was made through 2GIS. To do this, go to the Overview > Bookings section, and the Source column will show the referral from 2GIS.


The service is free for all companies in any industry.

If you have paid advertising on 2GIS, the online booking button will not be displayed.

Setting up online booking:

  1. Check the following information:
    - Industry - any
    -Countries and cities: Kazakhstan/ Kyrgyzstan / Uzbekistan
  2. To integrate with Altegio, the company name, address, phone number, and website must match those on 2GIS.
    The company matching is based on the following fields:
    Company name (Settings > My Location > Location Settings)
    Address (Settings > My Location > Location Information)
    Phone (Settings > My Location> Location Information)
    Website (Settings > My Location > Location Information)
  3. In the Online Booking > Website section, one of the forms (not network) must be the Main form. This form will be displayed on the maps. Other forms should be marked as Additional."

    Price list for services inside your organization's card

    In 2GIS, your service catalog installed in Altegio will also appear automatically.

    It will be located inside the "Prices" tab within your organization's card.


    • Data is updated daily. You can remove the data through technical support.
    • If a company requests to delete the data, it will not be displayed after updating.
    • If your company is already an advertiser and has an action button on 2GIS maps, to replace the link in the card, contact your manager in 2GIS (you can find the manager's contact information in your 2GIS personal account).
