Overview > Bookings

The Overview > Bookings section contains information about all bookings that were created in Altegio. They include bookings from any sources created by any users (who has the right to create one), bookings of any status, as well as deleted ones. 

The section contains information about which bookings were created and for what period, who exactly created them (the administrator or the client), information about the source of the online booking, which employee and service booking was created to, customer data, etc.


All bookings data can be revised separately due to the convenient filter options:

  • Date of creation
  • Date of visit
  • Employees
  • User
  • Canceled and not canceled/canceled/not canceled
  • Visit status
  • Client's name/phone number
  • Service category
  • Post\booking category
  • All booking sources/online/offline (the way booking created)
  • All payment statuses/paid in full/not paid in full
  • Bookings with and without services/bookings with services/bookings without services

Filter the list by the required items and click Show. You can also search for bookings with a certain client, to do this, enter a name or phone number and click Show

Each booking can be edited and/or deleted.

  • To edit booking click the Edit booking button mceclip0.png. Afterwards the visit will be opened in the Appointment calendar, where you can make some changes. 
  • Bookings can be deleted one by one or in bulk. For deleting check the required bookings (1), the Delete selected button will be active (2), click it. The bookings will be deleted from the appointment calendar, and the row with the booking data will change color to pink (3). To see the detailed information about the deleted booking, click Info button (4) mceclip1.png.



  • A deleted booking cannot be restored, you can only create a new one.
  • If the user does not have the rights to delete paid bookings or bookings with the Arrived status, then such bookings will not be deleted what the user will be notified about after clicking the Delete selected button.

Excel operations

Bookings data can be downloaded as Excel, as well as a list can be uploaded from Excel.

Download as Excel

Bookings download is performed only by the means of email. The user receives an email with a link to the downloaded file. Afterwards in Altegio, in the Overview > Data log section a log of downloads will appear with information about who, when and what data requested. The download file can also be received by the means of the download log if necessary rights are checked.

Upload from Excel

The uploaded data will be displayed both in the Overview > Bookings section and in the Appointment Calendar.


  1. It is necessary to upload bookings with the phone number and the name of the client!
  2. To upload bookings from Excel, full access rights to Altegio are required.
  3. Before uploading visits, all services need to be added, and they must not be changed during the upload.
  4. Before uploading, switch off notifications about creating a booking via Appointment Calendar for administrators, employees and customers.
  5. If you click the Upload button, but it has not started, do not click the button again. To resolve the issue, please contact our technical support: support@Altegio.com.

The principle of uploading bookings from Excel is similar to the principle of uploading services (see the detailed information - How to add a list of services using Excel), only the types of data differ (table headers).

1. Date. The date and time format of the visits (sessions) should be as follows: 04.01.2016 10:30

The time of the visit will be rounded off according to the settings (intervals) in Altegio, to the nearest value.

2. Employee ID. How to find out the employee number (ID) in Altegio

3. Customer phone number. Use the following format 12123445678.

4. Client name. It is mandatory to specify, otherwise it will be lost.

5. Employee name. This entry is the same name in the Settings – Staff section.

6. Duration. It needs to be indicated in seconds. Please take into account that the session time is always divisible by 15 minutes and is rounded up. If the field is empty, the default value will be 15 minutes.

7. Service ID. How to find out the service number (ID) in Altegio.

8. Name of service. This entry is the same name in Settings > Services.


When uploading records from Excel you can indicate several services (service names can be separated with ## symbols, and service IDs can be separated with commas or ## symbols).

9. Price of service. This entry is used as service cost for the uploaded booking. If there are several services, the price should be indicated for each service. If there is no such information, but only the total amount, it is necessary to put 0 for the remaining services and separate it with the # symbol .

10. Discount on the service. This entry is a discount value for the service in the uploaded booking.

11. Comment. It is a value of the Comment field in the uploaded booking.

12. Booking status (number):

  • No-Show – the numeric value "-1"
  • Pending – the numeric value "0"
  • Arrived – the numeric value "1"
  • Confirmed – the numeric value "2"
  1. Appointment status (line). The text value of the status written as (the exact copy):
  • No-Show
  • Pending
  • Arrived 
  • Confirmed


A reference file for uploading visits in an attachment.
