Adding an online booking form inside one of the website pages

Use this instruction of setting an online booking up if you need the online booking widget to be embedded in the site as an interface element. In this case, the online booking form will be immediately visible on the page, and not in the pop-up window when you click the button

This is the way Online booking may look like in the main menu of the website, leading to a page with an online booking form.

In this case the booking form will look like part of the site, but the booking is available only on one page. 


1. In the required place of your site code add the following code:

<iframe height="545px" width="320px" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" id="ms_booking_iframe" src=""></iframe>

2. In the main menu go to Online booking > Online booking links, copy the link to the online booking form (link as is located to the right of the name of the online booking form).

3. Replace the bold part of the code with the link to the online booking form of your company.


1. If you want to add an online booking form to a narrow site block, then use the mobile version.

2. To adjust the width and height of the mobile booking form, change the width and height parameters of the iframe element. The width and height of the full booking form are fixed: 545 * 780 px. 

3. We do not guarantee normal operation of the widget that is installed on the site using the iframe element. 

We recommend setting up the button for online booking according to our instructions. You can also use the API methods and develop your widget for online booking by posting it on your website.
