Creating and setting chain products

New category

1. To get started, go to the Inventory – Products section in the main menu of the chain interface. Before adding products to the inventory, create and set Categories of products.

A category is a group of products that have common features. For example, all ESTEL brand products are added to the ESTEL category, all shampoos from different brands are added to the Shampoos category, etc.

Categories can be added, configured and deleted (see the article Creating and configuring a new product category).


Unlike the locations there is no default product category in the chain. The first category is created manually, and after that, when creating new categories, the ability is added to select the Parent category (the folder where the folder with the new category will be inserted).

2. In the Locations tab, specify which locations you want to transfer this category of products to, and click Save.



After saving, the chain category can be edited only in chain (in the InventoryProducts section).

Editing category

Information about all product categories can be edited, configured and deleted. To do this, select a category, click the button next to its name, in the newly opened window change/add information or delete the category, click Save. To create a child category, click the button next to the category name.


You cannot delete a category that contains products. Before deleting the category, delete all products from it.

New products

1. After creating and configuring categories, add products to inventory. Products can be added individually or in a list via Excel. Read more in the articles: Creating and configuring a new product and How to add a list of products using Excel.

2. In the Locations tab, specify which locations you want to transfer this product to, and click Save.

You can also transfer products from the location to the chain on a mass scale. To do this, go to the InventoryProducts, select the necessary products (check the box next to the name) and click Add all products to location. In the pop-up window select the location and click Add.


Similarly, you can delete products: select products and click Delete Selected.

Editing products

To edit the product information, go to the product card. To do this, click the button or the product name.


Information about a chain product can be edited both in the chain and in the location. But in the location you can edit only the price, wholesale cost, tax system, critical stock and preferable minimum and comments.
