Discount loyalty program

Discount loyalty program

There are two types of spaces in Altegio: locations and chains. Locations — with yellow highlight on the left, chains — with purple highlight on the left. Locations and chains have different sections. 

To open the chain you need to do the following:

  1. Click the name of the location in the top left corner.
  2. In the drop-down list select the desired chain.


Creating a program

The discount loyalty program operates by providing customers with a loyalty card that grants them access to exclusive discounts. To establish a discount loyalty program, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

1. Navigate to the "Loyalty" section within the chain interface.

2. Begin by creating a card type. For detailed instructions on creating a card type, please refer to the corresponding article.

3. Next, create a promotion that aligns with your marketing goals. The article provides comprehensive instructions.

4. Associate the newly created promotion with the card type you established. This can be achieved through two approaches: adjusting the settings within the card type configuration or modifying the promotion settings.

When creating a discount loyalty program, you have several options to choose from when creating promotions. Consider implementing one of the following types of promotions:

1. Fixed Discount: This type of promotion offers a consistent discount regardless of the number of visits or the total amount spent. You can specify a fixed discount either as a predetermined amount or as a percentage.

2. Cumulative discount from the number of visits: With this promotion, the discount increases progressively as the customer visits your establishment more frequently. You can configure the number of visits required and determine the corresponding discount using customizable rules.

3. Cumulative discount from the amount: This promotion rewards customers based on the amount they have spent over the course of their visit history. As their spending increases, the discount they receive will also increase.

4. Discount subject: This promotion allows you to establish a specific type of discount, such as the "X service as a gift." For example, if you wish to offer the 6th service as a complimentary gift, you can set the value in the field "For what quantity of services issue a discount" to 5.

When setting up cumulative discounts, ensure to provide the following information while creating a promotion:

1. Source of parameters for rules: Specify where the data will be sourced from, which will be used to calculate the discounts. You have the flexibility to choose from the following options:

a. Entire chain: Data will be collected from branches across the entire chain.

b. Active branches: Data will be derived from the branches selected specifically for this promotion, as listed in the "Valid in locations" section.

c. Loyalty card: Data will be obtained from the branches associated with the selected card type.

2. Start date of history accounting: Indicate the date from which the records of visits will commence for calculating the amount paid by the client, the amount sold to the client, and the number of visits.

For example, let's consider a client who has a total of 10 visits to chain branches where the promotion is valid. Out of these, 5 visits occurred before 08/15/2022, and the remaining 5 visits took place after 08/15/2022. If you enter 08/15/2022 in the "Start history date" field, only the 5 most recent visits will be considered when calculating bonuses based on the number of visits.


3. Rules for the determination of the discount value based on the selected type:

1. For the "Cumulative discount from the number of visits" type, you need to specify the number of visits required and the corresponding discount amount.

2. For the "Cumulative discount from the amount" type, you must indicate the total amount spent by the client and the corresponding discount amount. Additionally, it is crucial to specify which amount should be considered as spent: either the check amount based on the regular price list or the check amount, taking into account any promotions and discounts applied.

4. Conditions for promotion validity and termination:

• Canceling the discount (since the last visit): Specify the duration in terms of days, weeks, months, or years.

• Notifications for cancellation/expiration: Determine whether to notify customers about the cancellation or expiration of their discounts. If notifications are enabled, indicate the timeframe for sending notifications before the discount expires.

When creating a promotion for a discount based on a specific number of accumulated services, ensure to provide the following information:

1. Source of parameters for rules:

• The entire chain: Data will be gathered from branches across the entire chain.

• Active branches: Data will be derived from the branches selected specifically for this promotion, as listed in the "Valid in branches" section.

• Loyalty card: Data will be obtained from the branches associated with the selected card type.

2. Start date of history accounting.

3. Number of services to accrue a discount.

4. Bonus type.

5. Rules for determining the value of the discount (based on the selected type):

• Service -> discount amount
6. List of services for which the discount will be accumulated.

Applying a discount

Important note:

•It is essential to issue the card before the client's visit. For detailed instructions on how to issue a card, please refer to the article.

•During the client's next visit, the issued card can be utilized for payment of services. If necessary, the administrator has the authority to modify the discount amount. For more information on this process, kindly check the relevant article.

Discount usage history:

The system maintains a comprehensive record of the discount usage history, including accrual, debit, and points burning time. This data can be accessed in the Clients > Client Database section or in the Loyalty section within the Visit window.








