Bonus loyalty program

There are two types of spaces in Altegio: locations and chains. Locations — with yellow highlight on the left, chains — with purple highlight on the left. Locations and chains have different sections. 

To open the chain you need to do the following:

  1. Click the name of the location in the top left corner.
  2. In the drop-down list select the desired chain.


Creating a program

To create a bonus loyalty program go to the Loyalty section in the chain interface and add a script and a rule according to which this program will apply. The script will be indicated in the card type settings and the rule - in the promotion settings.

1. Create a card type (find detailed manual in this article) and a promotion (find detailed manual in this article).

2. Attach a special offer to this card type. There are two options to do that: in the card type settings and in the promotion settings.

3. In the promotion settings you can select one of the following types:


Sold — total sum to pay for all products and services.

Paid — amount of money that the client actually paid.

  • Fixed Cashback (sold). Will be permanent regardless of the bill.
  • Fixed Cashback (paid). Will be permanent regardless of the sum the client actually paid.
  • Cumulative Cashback (sold). Will grow depending on the amount sold to the client during their history of visits (sold = sum total of sales of products and services of their nominal cost not including discounts and bonuses). Sold and bonuses amounts need to be configured using rules.
  • Сumulative cashback (paid). Will grow depending on the amount the client paid during their whole history of visits (paid = sum paid for products and services including all discounts). The amounts of payments and bonuses are determined using rules.
  • Cumulative cashback (sold) on visits. Will grow depending on the number of visits and the bonus will be accrued from the amount sold. Amount of visits and bonuses are determined using rules.
  • Cumulative cashback (paid) for visits. Will grow depending on the number of visits and the bonus will be accrued from the amount paid. Amount of visits and bonuses are determined using rules.
  • Cashback (sold) during the visit. This will change in each separate visit depending on the sum of the bill.
  • Cashback (paid) during the visit. This will change in each separate visit depending on the sum paid.

4. For cumulative promotions/special offers indicate the following information:

4.1. Source of parameters for rules. You can indicate where from to take the data (amount paid by client, amount sold to client, amount of visits), according to which bonuses will be accrued:

  • Entire chain — from all locations of the chain
  • Active locations — locations selected for the promotion in the Valid for the locations list
  • Loyalty card — locations selected in the card type

4.2. Starting date of history. Date from which the system should consider the visits to calculate the amount of paid by, sold to, and visits of the client.

For instance, the client has 10 visits in chain locations this promotion is valid for. Out of those visits 5 took place before August 15th, 2022 and other 5 — after August 15th, 2022.

If in the Starting date of history field you indicate August 15th, 2022 then only the latter 5 visits will be considered towards promotion.

4.3. Rules for determining the value of promotion (depending on the type selected):

  • Visits from > discount amount (1)
  • Sold from > discount amount (2)
  • Paid from > discount amount (3)

4.4. Rules for validity and cancelation of the promotion:

  • Burning of unused points: number of days/weeks/months/years.
  • Notification about the cancellation / end of subscription period: indicate whether and when you would like to notify the client before said event.
  • The number of visits (to apply): you can indicate how frequently bonuses for this promotion should be accrued. For instance, if you select 1 — the promotion will be applied in every visit, if you select 3 — in each third visit only.
  • Limit the number of acceptable uses: determines the maximum number of applications of this promotion. If the number is set to 0 the applications will be unlimited. If the limit of uses is reached then the client stops accruing bonuses for this promotion.


Applying the discount


Loyalty card must be issued before a client's appointment. Read about issuing cards in detail in the following article.

In the next visit you’ll be able to use the card during payment. Administrator can change the amount of bonuses to be debited if necessary. Learn about this in detail in the article.

History of discount application

You can view the history for accrual/debiting and bonuses cancellation dates as well as write off and accrue additional bonuses in the client’s card in the Clients > Client Database section in each card or in the Loyalty tab in the visit.
