Issuing loyalty cards to certain clients
You can issue and delete loyalty cards in two ways:
- through Loyalty section in the Appointment;
- through client’s card in Clients > Client Database.
Both in the appointment and in the client's card you will need to go to the Loyalty tab, indicate Card number or leave it empty for number generation, select card Type and click the Issue a card button.
After this the card will appear in the Loyalty tab and to delete it you will need to click the Delete button in the top right corner of the card.
You can issue more than one card to your client, all of them will appear in their card.
Issuing loyalty cards to a group of clients
You can issue loyalty cards to a group of clients in the chain interface using Upload from Excel option in Loyalty > Loyalty cards.
There are two types of spaces in Altegio: locations and chains. Locations — with yellow highlight on the left, chains — with purple highlight on the left. Locations and chains have different sections.
To open the chain you need to do the following:
- Click the name of the location in the top left corner.
- In the drop-down list select the desired chain.
Preparing the file
To issue loyalty cards of a specific type to more than one client simultaneously you will need to prepare an Excel sheet with phone numbers of clients, card numbers, current card balance and deposits.
Phone numbers are mandatory and must start with 1 (country code number without +). For successful upload a phone number must have the following format — 1XXXXXXXXXX.
If you don’t want to issue cards with a specific bonus account use 0 as current card balance. If you don’t indicate card numbers for upload Altegio will generate them automatically.
Issuing cards
In the chain interface go to Loyalty > Loyalty cards section and click the Upload from Excel button.
Select card type that should be issued to clients. Copy data from Excel sheet into the input window and click the Upload button. In the new window match data with headers of the columns: Phone, Card number, Deposit, Actual balance. Click the Save button.
If previously your clients already had cards of the same type as the ones you’re uploading and the balance during upload was other than 0 then the client's card balance will simply change. Because of that, uploading loyalty cards from Excel not only allows you to issue cards but also change cards balance en masse manually: you can both increase and decrease it (you can decrease it by placing the minus sign next to the number in Excel).
If you upload cards with phone numbers of clients who weren’t entered into your Client Database yet then their assigned loyalty cards will be saved. However, these clients will appear in the Client Database only if you enter them into it or make an Appointment for them.