Gift card types

There are two types of spaces in Altegio: locations and chains. Locations — with yellow highlight on the left, chains — with purple highlight on the left. Locations and chains have different sections. 

To open the chain you need to do the following:

  1. Click the name of the location in the top left corner.
  2. In the drop-down list select the desired chain.


Creating gift card type

In the chain interface go to the Loyalty > Gift card types section and click the Add a certificate type button.


1. On the new page indicate the name of the gift card, i.e. 50$ gift card.

2. Select the write-off type:

  • Single write-off: gift card will expire after the first payment.
  • Multiple write-off: gift card will be applicable until it’s balance reaches zero.

3. Indicate Par value (start balance of the gift card) in the currency of the locations where this gift card will be valid.

4. Indicate application limitations (what this gift card will be applicable for):

  • no limits
  • any services without products;
  • any products without services;
  • some services and any products (when selecting this type an Edit button will appear using which you can select categories/services);
  • some services without products (when selecting this type an Edit button will appear using which you can select categories/services).

5. Indicate expiration period: 

  • unlimited period of validity;
  • fixed date for all instances (when selecting this option the ‘End date’ field appears);
  • fixed period of validity from the date of sale (when selecting this option Validity period from the date of sale and Unit of measurement fields appear).

6. Check the box if you want to allow selling gift cards without code. You will be able to create gift cards during the sale of which you won’t need to give them a code but you will need to indicate the client's phone number.


It’s important for you to indicate a customer in the appointment when selling such gift cards.

7. Upload an image if you plan on selling gift cards online. It will appear in the online sales widget. The recommended dimensions of the image are 184 by 288px.

8. Select Locations in which this gift card will be valid.

9. Click the Save button.



Using gift cards

After you create them the gift cards will appear in locations in the Inventory > Products section: the same products and Gift cards category will be created. Gift cards can be sold to clients (detailed manual can be found in the Sale of gift cards article) and sold gift cards will be available for payment (detailed manual can be found in Payment for products and services using gift cards article).
