What it is
Rule for cancellation of appointments beforehand is used in many business spheres. If the clients didn’t cancel their appointment in advance then a session will be debited from their membership. This new option allows you to implement the same principle in Altegio.
How it works
In the service settings in the Settings > Main settings > Services > Advanced Settings section an option to automatically debit sessions from subscription was added. If this setting is switched on, then the logic described below will apply. It also applies both to group events and individual appointments.
In this setting you can indicate the time period before which appointments can be canceled without the fine.
Appointments paid for automatically will be marked in the Appointment calendar separately both in individual appointments and group events:
Statuses in the Appointment calendar:
- Visits and appointments with automatic debiting turned on will be marked with a separate Automatic debiting status -
- If automatic debiting was successful then the status will change to Debited -
- If automatic debiting wasn’t successful then the Not debited status will appear -
Statuses in the group event:
- Debited -
- Not debited -
- Automatic debiting-
- A seesion will be debited from the membership when the appointment begins, not when the Automatic debiting status is set.
- If there’s more than one membership then the debiting will be performed from the membership with a lesser expiration date.
- Payment with automatic debiting doesn’t change the status of the visit. If earlier payment could be performed only in Client Onsite and Confirmed statuses then now it can be performed in Expecting and No Show statuses.
- Automatic payment setting will remain active if the administrator is changing the status of the appointment manually, i.e. when changing Expecting to Client Onsite status the automatic payment will not be canceled.
- If in the group event a client is booking more than one spot then sessions for each spot will be debited consecutively.
Example: if there are 2 memberships and both of them have only 1 session, then 1 session will be debited from each membership. If there weren’t enough sessions in the membership then the Not debited status will appear and the information about how much needs to be paid will be shown.
- If an individual appointment contains more than one service and automatic debiting is switched on for just one of the services then the session will be debited from membership for that service only. The appointment will be marked with Paid Partially status and you’ll see how much the client needs to pay.
- If an individual appointment/event was paid for using automatic debiting then you will be able to cancel it in the Checkout tab.
- When merging services through a chain interface the automatic debiting setting will not be switched off. New merged service will have this setting on.
- If for the first visit in the unified visit the automatic debiting is switched on then after the automatic payment for the first visit a manually set status of Paid Partially will appear instead of Not debited.
If in the How many hours before the visit the client can cancel the visit field you put 0, clients will be able to cancel their appointments 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the appointment. Meaning that automatic cancellation will still work even if there’s 0 hours.