Payment for services with membership

How to use the membership for payment?

You can apply memberships in the Appointment when paying for services that this membership type is valid for.

Quick payment in the Status section

If the membership appears in the client’s card in the Loyalty section then after selecting the Client Onsite status in the Appointment you’ll be able to click the Membership button. Users need to have the Purchase with gift card and membership without code right to see this button (rights can be configured in the Settings > Users section, read about it in more detail in the User access rights settings and Loyalty and online booking access rights).


Payment in the Checkout section

In the Appointment go to the Checkout section and if this membership was sold to the client it will appear in the Loyalty field. To pay for the visit simply click the membership.


If the membership isn’t assigned to the client you’ll be able to find it by entering the membership’s code. In the Appointment in the Checkout section click the Search by code and other payment methods field and indicate the membership’s code in the Membership search field, click the search __________________________115002599949__mceclip2.png button . Click the membership found and the payment will be performed automatically, 1 session will be written off.


Peculiarities of payment with membership

The client doesn’t have to be the one who purchased the membership to use it for payment. For instance, if this membership was gifted to the client they know the code and will be able to use it for payment.

Before payment the membership is stored in the Loyalty section in the card of the client who bought it. After the payment the membership will be transferred to the Loyalty of the client who used it even if he wasn’t the one buying it. Meaning, the membership will be deleted from the Loyalty of the client who purchased it.

Changed remainder of the visits for the membership can be viewed in the Loyalty in the client’s card. There you will also be able to change the balance and duration of the membership.

