In the first section of this article you will find a list of all materials, accesses and documents that you need to send in an email according to the Mobile app Development Agreement. You will need to email the materials, accesses and documents to
In the second section of this article you will find steps of development, detailed information about accesses and material requirements.
1. List of materials and accesses you will need to provide according to the Agreement
1. Access details to Apple developer account in App Store and iCloud access details.
2. For individual entrepreneurs: State Registration documents of Individual Entrepreneurs and document, that shows ownership between you as entrepreneur and your trademark or tradename. All documents should be in supported language (English, Spanish, German, French and other european common languages. Arabic, Asian and other specific documents should be translated to English and solicitor verified).
Example: Mr. John Doe runs makeup studio 'Face Room'.
We need Mr. Doe’s state registration as entrepreneur and documents that show his ownership of or relation to 'Face Room' if it isn’t shown in his State registration.
3. For LLC: Company State registration documents and copyrights for tradename/documents that show ownership or relation between LLC and trademark or tradename.
All documents should be in a supported language (English, Spanish, German, French and other European common languages. Arabic, Asian and other specific documents should be translated into English and solicitor verified).
Example: Beautyline LLC runs 'Mr. Beard' barbershop.
We need Beautyline LLC’s state registration as LLC and documents that show its ownership or relation to 'Mr. Beard' if it isn’t shown in its State registration.
4. Splash screen. Image that will be shown while the app is launching.
5. Logo. Image that will be used as a logo in the store and an app icon on a smartphone screen.
6. Full name. Full name of the app in App Store and Google Play Market stores.
7. Short name. Name of the app that will appear under the app icon on a smartphone screen.
8. App’s description. Full description of the app in App Store and Google Play Market stores.
9. App’s short description. Short description of the app in App Store and Google Play Market stores that is shown before the Details button.
10. A list of keywords for search (tags). A list of words that can be used to find the app in the App Store and Google Play Market stores.
11. Logo for 'Recommended'section in Google Play Market. It will be shown randomly by Google algorithms as an advertisement of your app for customer that searches for your app or something similar to it.
All access details, documents and materials need to be emailed before payment.
2. Information about materials, documents and access details
Steps of mobile app development
Creating an App Store account to publish the mobile app.
Creating your personal account in App Store is mandatory for mobile app development.
Preparing and collecting materials to create the mobile app.
Emailing materials and access details to
Access details and documents to create the app
- Developer account access on the Apple App Store*
- Trademark ownership application for submission to the Google Play Market.
- Certified document of state registration as an entrepreneur or organization for submission to the Apple App Store**
- Document showing ownership of the trademark (TM) / brand name, or a cash receipt with the brand name and the name of the organization/entrepreneur for submission to the Apple App Store***
* The login and password of the developer account must remain unchanged.
** The sole proprietor must be listed in the Apple App Store under their full name as the owner of the developer account, and the extract must clearly state the types of activities related to the application's brand.
*** The trademark (TM) must be explicitly issued to a legal entity, and not the name of the General Director.
!!! All documents should be in a supported language (English, Spanish, German, French, and other European common languages. Arabic, Asian, and other specific documents should be translated into English and solicitor verified).
Materials for mobile app development and requirements for them
Splash screen
Image that will be shown when the app is starting. Image needs to be in PNG format with resolution of 2208 by 2208 pixels, without transparency.
To create an app's loading image use an example attached to this article. Indicate background in the background layer of the template, the background must fill all background of the template. Logo or text must be placed only on the second layer in the borders set beforehand. The background will be clipped depending on the device.
Image that will be used as a logo in the store and an icon on the smartphone screen. Logo needs to be in PNG format, placed in the square of 1024 by 1024 pixels, without transparency.
This image will also be the app's icon and we advise against using small images and text.
Also we advise against using borders and other graphics at the edges of the logo because icons’ edges will be rounded when they’re placed in stores.
Full name
Name of the app that App Store and Google Play Market users will see. It needs to be no longer than 30 symbols. You’ll be able to change the full name in the next 14 days after publishing.
Short name
This will appear as a caption for the app installed on the smartphone (below the icon). Short name must be no more than 11 symbols.
App description
Description for App Store and Google Play Market stores that clients will see before downloading the app.
- You should place only app description in the app description section.
- You can’t publish links and phone numbers.
- It’s prohibited to publish offensive or erotic materials.
- We suggest you avoid mentioning Apple, Google, Samsung, and other large brands’ products or registered trademarks. Description can be 4000 symbols long or less.
NB: You can’t publish a list of keywords in the description.
Short app description
Short app description in App Store and Google Play Market stores before details button. There can be no more than 80 symbols.
List of keywords for search
List of keywords that can be used to find the app in the App Store and Google Play Market stores. There can be no more than 100 symbols total, words need to be separated with commas.
Image for ‘Recommended’ section
Google Play Market app store requires an image for their ‘Recommended’ section with resolution of 1024 by 500 pixels. It may be a modified icon or splash screen.
Loading screen template: